The conference will take place in the city of Košice (Slovakia), on October 3-4, 2016 (Hotel Centrum, Južná trieda 2/A, 043 23 Košice).


1st day of the conference

10,00 – 13,00  Registration

13,00 – 14,00  Greetings

  • Vasil Grivna, Representative of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Slovakia
  • Mrs. Tünde Erényi, Košice Self-governing Region
  • Martín Guillermo Ramírez, Secretary general of AEBR
  • Gyula Ocskay, CESCI Budapest

14,00 – 15,30  1. Block: Europe, Russia and the East: Eastern Partnership from a global perspective

Moderator: Martín Guillermo Ramírez secretary general, AEBR

  • Alexander Duleba, Director, Slovak Foreign Policy Association: Eastern Partnership from a Central European Perspective
  • Jussi P. Laine, Researcher, University of Eastern Finland: Eastern Partnership from a Northern European perspective
  • Mehmet Hacisalihoğlu, Director, Center for Balkan and Black Sea Studies, Istanbul: Turkey between the Near-East and the Balkans
  • Vasil Grivna, Representative of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Slovakia

15,30 – 16,00  Coffee break

16,00 – 17,30  2. Block:         New frames of cooperation: Eastern Partnership and Neighborhood Policy from a macro-regional perspective

Moderator: Gyula Ocskay, Secretary General, CESCI

  • Claudia Singer, Priority area coordinator of EUSDR PA 10
  • Aleksei Kiryukhin, Researcher, Kharkov University
  • Juliann Orbán Máté, Director, Via Carpatia EGTC

18,00 – 21,00  Raut


2nd day of the conference

8,00 – 9,00      Registration

9,00 – 10,30    3. Block: On the borders: Eastern Partnership from the ground

Moderator: Rudolf Bauer, Director, CESCI-Carpathia

  • Jerzy Banski, Professor of geography, Wojciech Janicki, University of Lublin: Cooperation along the Polish-Byelorussian border
  • Laura Dittel, Director Carpathian Foundation, Slovakia: The Carpathian Euroregion
  • Szabóné Cap Andrea, director: The Tisza EGTC
  • Bianca Mitrică, Head of Human Geography and Regional Development Department Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy
  • Erzsébet, N. Rózsa, Head of department, National University of Public Service, Budapest: Turkey and the Eastern Partnership

10,30 – 11,00  Coffee break

11,00 – 12,30  4. Block:         What about Eastern Neighborhood Policy and Eastern Partnership – beyond 2020? Round-table discussion

Moderator: Alexander Duleba, Director, Slovak Foreign Policy Association

  • Martín Guillermo Ramírez, Secretary General, AEBR
  • Nathaliya Nosa, IARDI, Ukraine
  • Jurii Vdovenko, EaP Civil Society Forum

12,30 – 12,45  Closing the conference

13,00 – 14,30  Lunch

sk_eu2016Realizované s finančnou podporou Ministerstva zahraničných vecí a európskych záležitostí SR v rámci predsedníctva SR v Rade EÚ prostredníctvom dotačného programu v oblasti medzinárodných vzťahov a zahraničnej politiky. Za obsah tohto dokumentu je výlučne zodpovedný CESCI-Carpathia. 

ke_vuc        Spolufinancované z dotácie Košického samosprávneho kraja.