Promotion of legal accessibility across the Slovak-Hungarian border – #ACCESS
is a strategic project of the Interreg Hungary – Slovakia Programme, priority axis PA3 – Institutional cooperation, Specific objective SO3.1 Strengthening more effective public administration by means of rights and administrative cooperation, activity 3.1.1 – Elimination of cross-border obstacles.
Lead partner: CESCI Budapest (LB)
Partner: CESCI – Carpathia Košice (P2)
Name of the Programme: Interreg Hungary – Slovakia Programme
Title of the project: Promotion of legal accessibility across the Slovak-Hungarian border
Acronym of the project: #ACCESS
Project ID: HUSK/2301/010
ERDF contribution: 1 401 837,96 EUR, project part (P2): 559 910,40 EUR
State co-finance: 241 847,97 EUR, project part (P2): 83 986,56 EUR
Project start date: 1 May 2023
Project end date: 30 April 2029
Summary of the project: The main aim of the project is to systematically unfold the persisting legal and administrative obstacles hindering stronger integration and higher level of cooperation across the Slovak-Hungarian border; furthermore to promote their elimination. The main two interventions of the project are obstacle monitoring and obstacle management. As a result of the project, the partners will eliminate legal obstacles and develop solutions including a legal obstacles database, obstacle projects, legal recommendations and a sensitisation campaign addressing the authorities.
Summary of the project: The main aim of the project is to systematically unfold the persisting legal and administrative obstacles hindering stronger integration and higher level of cooperation across the Slovak-Hungarian border; furthermore to promote their elimination. The main two interventions of the project are obstacle monitoring and obstacle management. As a result of the project, the partners will eliminate legal obstacles and develop solutions including a legal obstacles database, obstacle projects, legal recommendations and a sensitisation campaign addressing the authorities.
Summary of the project part: CESCI – Carpathia cooperates in the implementation of the project. Most of the professional tasks identified for the sake of legal accessibility are going to be carried out in the cooperation of CESCI and the CESCI Carpathia, but in addition, CESCI-Carpathia is going to be responsible for the following activities: the production of 5 short films; elaboration of a scientific proceedings; organisation of the kick-off conference; and contributing to the implementation of joint activities.
Benefits of the cooperation: The stronger integration of the Slovak-Hungarian border area and the intensification of cross-border interactions (mobility) necessitate the systematic monitoring, analysis and elimination of legal and administrative obstacles. This process is unimaginable without the coordinated cooperation of the actors on both sides of the border.
Introduction of the partnership: The project is implemented by the Budapest-based Central European Service for Cross-border Initiatives (CESCI) and the Košice-based Central European Services for Cross-border Initiatives – Carpathia (CESCI-Carpathia). Both organisations have been committed to supporting cross-border cooperation and eliminating cross-border legal obstacles for many years.
For more information in English, visit the website of CESCI:
For more information in Hungarian, visit the website of CESCI:

Building partnership!
The project is financially supported by the European Union, within the framework of the Interreg Hungary – Slovakia Programme.
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