Address Kremnická 10, 040 11 Košice, Slovakia
Phone +421 948 151 150
Date of birth September 28, 1957
Nationality Slovak
Marital status married, 3 children
- 1975 – 1981 P.J. Šafárik University Košice, Faculty of Natural Science, mathematics
- 1993 City University Bratislava, Effective Manager Course
- 1994 Study tour in the Public sector in the USA, 6 weeks
- 1997 Course How to Improve Public Service Performance at the University of Birmingham, Great Britain, 3 months
- 2006 – 2010 Technical University Košice, Finances in Regional Development, PhD Study
Work experience
- 1981-1985 Inžinierske stavby Košice – software engineering
- 1985-1991 INORGA Košice – analytical work, software projects for the corporate sector
- 1991-1992 Vice-Mayor of the City of Košice
- 1993-1994 Mayor of the City of Košice
- 1994-1998 Vice-Mayor of the City of Košice
- 1998-2001 Member of Slovak Parliament
- 2001-2005 Governor of Košice region, Head of the Slovak delegation in the Committee of the Regions EU
- 2005-2010 Project manager in the Carpathian Development Institute, Košice -consultation and analytical work, project design management, research, preparation of development plans, education, and training
- 2006-2010 Member of Slovak Parliament
- 2010 Manager responsible for investment projects Košice 2013 – European Capital of Culture
- 2009-2014 Vice-chairman of CESCI Budapest
- 2011- 2014 Mayor of the city ward Košice-West
- 2015- director of CESCI-Carpathia, c.a.
- Consultation and research analytical work in the regional development area
- Development audit of the City of Košice Preparedness for Development thru Carpathian Development Institute,
- Preparation of development plans for local and regional government in Slovakia:
- POKER – development plan for Eastern Slovakia,
- development plans for towns:
- Michalovce,
- Krompachy,
- Strážske
- Sliač
- Tornaľa
- Development plan for the city of Košice
- Project Good Governance on the regional level in the area of regional development in Slovakia – Governance; main aim: to improve quality of regional governance in the area of development; financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism
- Provision of education and training for both elected and executive representatives in the local and regional level thru URBI in 1994 – 2000 and thru CDI in 2005 – 2009
- Project design management
- Consultant for Council of Europe DG II – Democracy, Regionalisation administrative reform in Romania, 2013
- Cooperation with DG REGIO in the appraisal, implementation and monitoring of cohesion policy interventions 2014-2020
- Šteiner A., Bauer. R., Záborská Z., Kozlayova A., Assessment of Cities Preparedness for Development – Development Audit, In: Conference Proceedings, 2nd Central European Conference in Regional Science – CERS, 2007, ISBN 978-80-8073-957-7, p. 999-1004
- Bauer R., Šteiner A., Záborská Z., Schvalb M., Good governance on the regional level in the area of regional development in Slovakia, In: Conference Proceedings, 2nd Central European Conference in Regional Science – CERS, 2007, ISBN 978-80-8073-957-7, p. 68-72
- Šteiner Andrej, Bauer Rudolf, Eastern Slovakia as learning region?, in Euractiv portal, 2007 (
- Šteiner Andrej, Bauer Rudolf, Cities preparedness for higher dynamics of development, in Euractiv portal, 2007, (
- Šteiner Andrej, Bauer Rudolf, Záborská Zuzana, Analysis of the legislative, institutional and financial frame for regional government in Slovakia, Carpathian Development Institute, 2008
- Šteiner Andrej, Bauer Rudolf, Kozlayová Alena, Good Governance and Regional Development – Challenges not only for the Slovak Republic, In Sustainable Development and Planning IV. Volume 1, Southampton, 2009, p. 153-162
- Bauer Rudolf, Knežová Jana, Kozlayová Alena, Šteiner Andrej, Záborská Zuzana, Good governance of regions´ development, challenge for Slovakia, (Dobré spravovanie rozvoja regiónov, výzva pre Slovensko), Karpatský rozvojový inštitút, 2010, 170 p., ISBN 978-80-970368-0-5
- Bauer Rudolf, Tax revenues of regional government in Slovakia, in XV. International Scientific Conference “Theoretical and practical aspects of public finance”, Prague, 2010
- Bauer Rudolf, Tax revenues of regional government in Slovakia, in “Verejná správa” (Public Administration), 2010
- Bauer Rudolf, Different models of regional development financing in the European Union and their achievements, Ph.D. thesis, 2010
- Bauer Rudolf, Multilevel governance in Cross-border cooperation, Introduction in 1st Congress on Smart Cooperation, A Coruňa, Spain, 2012
- Bauer Rudolf, Regionalisation process in Slovakia, Report prepared for the Romanian Government and Council of Europe, Bucharest, 2013
- Bauer Rudolf, Regions in Slovakia, in Zborník: Teória a prax verejnej správy, Košice, ISBN 978-80-8152-061-7, 2013
- Bauer Rudolf, Šteiner Andrej, Knežová Jana, Governing regional development – case in Slovakia, ERSA Conference Sankt Peterburg, 2014
- Bauer Rudolf, The Carpathian Euroregion project, short study, CESCI Budapest, 2015,
- Bauer Rudolf, The Framework Convention on the protection and sustainable development of the Carpathians, study, CESCI Budapest, 2015,
Additional information
Mother tongue Slovak
Other languages:
English Understanding: C2, Speaking: C1, Writing: C1
Hobbies mountain cycling, swimming, literature, garden